
Georg Cernusca

work for the commander
Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
Inn sbruck
I then came to the military, with 19 years of age. In the army I stayed longer than I should have stayed. Why? Because I was taken to the military commander of the barracks very easy to be in the apartment. I walked home and had to stop dealing with his wife. Yes. And his wife is from morning to evening, sitting in an armchair. And as I told you so need different things. And he was back in the evening at a radio apparatus that I built for him that time. For radio sets, there had been none. And he wanted to hear absolutely Paris. And this is an enormous distance was 2,000 kilometers. But now and then I have succeeded. Since I have for him - because he was very happy, yes. You had around long? These radio sets had been so, that was three to four tubes. And we have received from the antenna. A large antenna had to stretch out. From there they removed a wire, mainly? the antenna was pointed in a certain direction, to the West. And then you have it? that is then come to an induction coil. And there were three coils, there we have moved the coils. Then the whistling began. If it has started to whistle, the station was there. Now you had to look that one this station where it gets amplified and that you will hear from the language. So it was time again at that time. And there it was just have patience and try. That meant a lot of patience, and - and try and make things. And crafts. I have learned to solder for me, so you can solder the wires together. It got so only the raw material, ie copper wire and so on. Yes, and the case was a plate made of aluminum, the front was for the scale. There were actually four tubes, and these four tubes have also been four wire controller, which regulates the gain has one of each - the individual tubes. And has long tried until we had a station that could last for an hour.